V404 Cyg

V404 Cyg - 1989 outburst
Observations were difficult due to lack of a suitable chart and sequence. A basic chart was drawn up from Atlas Stellarum, and finder charts were drawn from a variety of sources such as Atlas Borealis and AAVSO Variable Star Atlas. A sequence was made available a few days after outburst from 'The Astronomer' Early Warning Circulars. Weather prevented observations at maximum, which was recorded around 11.0pg on June 28 by Martin Mobberley, who obtained the very first outburst photograph of V404 Cyg on May 26 1989. Observations are visual and were made with a 40cm dobsonian

V404 Cyg - 2015 Outburst
Visual observations again during the 2015 outburst of V404 Cyg - some 26 years following the 1989 outburst. This time a 51cm Dobsonian telescope was used. No problems with charts and sequences this time! The opportunity to observe rapid variations in V404 Cyg presented itself on the night/morning of June 20/21 2015, when 1.1 magnitude variations were observed visually from June 20.990 to June 21.036 (1h 07m duration). The observations were then curtailed by cloud.

Occasional unfiltered CCD observations have been made using the Bradford Robotic Telescope during quiescence. V404 Cyg has been seen to vary by up to 0.5 magnitudes

V404 Cyg taken with the Bradford Robotic Telescope on 2013 Oct 16.942 UT at magnitude 17.5C