Published work in popular Astronomy periodicals​
Amateur Astronomers & Cataclysmic Variables. European Southern Observatory - Messenger, June 1995
Also Sterne und Weltraum 6/1996
Astronomisk Tidsskrift Dec. 1995
Active Galactic Nuclei. Webb Society Quarterly Journal, issue 116 April 1999
"How to...Observe Variable Stars". BBC Sky at Night magazine, November 2005 #6
"Pulsating Red Giants and other Variable Stars". Astronomy Now magazine, November 2006
Blazing Black Holes. Astronomy Now January 2007
Is Visual Observing Dead? Astronomy Now magazine, October 2016
A Variable Observing Life. Astronomy Now magazine, February 2017
Peer reviewed authored & co-authored published papers
UK Nova/Supernova Patrol: Recurrent Objects Programme report 1994. BAAJ 106, 3, 155-159 (June 1996)
Eclipse observations of IP Peg during outburst: Proceedings of the 158th colloquium of the IAU held at Keele University 1995. Astropysics and Space Science library, Vol 208
The 1997 outburst of BL Lacertae and detection of a 0.6 mag rapid variation. PASJ (Publication of the Astronomical Society of Japan) 51, 253-256 (1999)
CR Boo: The helium ER UMa star wiith the 46.3 day supercycle. MNRAS 315, 140-148 January 2000
Intensive Monitoring of OJ287. Astronomy & Astrophysics July 2000
IBVS 4932: Detection of Supercycle in SS UMi: Normal SU UMa-type dwarf nova with the shortest supercycle. August 2000
IBVS 5120: The second supercycle of the helium ER UMa star, CR Boo. June 2001
V344 Lyr: An unusual large-amplitude SU UMa type dwarf nova with a short supercycle. MNRAS, 2001
Deep fading of the Herbig Be star MisV1147. PASJ 56, S183-S192, 2004 March
Pro-Am Astronomy: Variable Stars. Meeting Report, Cambridge 2002. Astronomy & Geophysics Aug 2002 Vol 43, issue 4.
Observations of the recently discovered Dwarf Nova 1RXSJ053234.9+624755, during the 2005 March Superoutburst. JBAA Vol.116, 1 2006. Also available at Arxiv Astro-ph
CCD photometry and visual observations of V1663 Aql (Nova Aql 2005). JBAA Vol. 116, No. 6, 2006 and can also be viewed at Arxiv Astro-ph
CG Draconis. A particularly active Dwarf Novae. JBAA Vol 117, No.1, 2007 and can also be reviewed at Arxiv Astro-ph
Brief Outbursts in the Dwarf Nova V1316 Cyg. JBAA Vol. 116, No.5 2006 and can also be viewed at Arxiv Astto-ph
HR Lyrae (Nova Lyr 1919): from outburst to active quiescence. JBAA Vol. 117, No.3, 2007 and can also be viewed at Arxiv Astro-ph
Analysis of the first confirmed Superoutburst of V337 Cygni in 2006 May. JBAA Vol. 117, No. 4 and can also be viewed at Arxiv Astro-ph
Photometry of the Dwarf Nova AW Sge during the 2006 November Superoutburst. JBAA Vol. 118, No. 3 2008, and can be viewed at Arxiv Astro-ph
Photometry and Astrometry of SS Leo Minoris during the 2006 October Superoutburst. JBAA Vol 118, No.2 and can be viewed at Arxiv Astro-ph
The structure of the October/November 2005 outburst in OJ287 and the precessing Black Hole model. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 477 2 (2008) 407-412
A massive binary black hole system in OJ287 and a test of general relativity. NATURE (letters) Vol 452 April 17 2008 pg 851
The 2008 outburst of the cataclysmic variable V358 Lyr. JBAA Vol. 120, No. 1 February 2010. Available at Arxiv Astro-pharxiv:0905.1866
Tidally induced outbursts in OJ 287 during 2005-2008. ApJ 698 (2009) 781-785
CCD photometry of the first observed Superoutburst of KP Cassiopeia in 2008 October. JBAA Vol. 120, No. 1 February 2010. Available at Arxiv Astro-ph
GSC2.3 N152008120 - a new SU UMa type dwarf nova in Draco. JBAA Vol 119, No. 5 October 2009
The 2009 outburst of V630 Cassiopeiae. JBAA Vol. 120 No. 3 2010. Also available at Astro-ph
HS2325+8205 - An ideal laboratory for accretion disk physics. PASP 124: 204-211 2012 March. Available at Astro-ph
HS2325+8205 - a frequently outbursting Dwarf Nova. JBAA Vol. 121, No. 5 October 2011
Eclipse comparisons of the Symbiotic Nova V1413 Aql from visual photometry. JBAA Vol. 122, No. 6. 2012
The BAAVSS Long Term Polar Monitoring Programme. The first five years 2006-2011. JBAA Vol. 123. No. 2 2013
HW Bootis: an enigmatic cataclysmic variable star. Available at Astro-ph or JBAA Vol 125, No.4 2015
Primary black hole spin in OJ287 as determined by the General Relativity centenary flare. ApJ,819,L37 (2016)
Outbursts of the dwarf nova CSS 121005:212625+201948. JBAA Vol 123, No. 3 2016
Effective Temperatures of Cataclysmic Variable White Dwarfs as a probe of their evolution. MNRAS 466, 2855-2878 (2017) ArXiv-astro-ph
Far-infrared photometry of OJ 287 with the Herschel Space Observatory. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 610, A74 2018
Breaking the habit - The peculiar 2016 eruption of the unique Recurrent Novae M31N-200812a. Astrophysical Journal Vol 857, No. 1 2018
Stochastic modelling of multi-wavelength variability of the classical BL Lac object OJ287 on timesacles ranging from decades to hours. Accepted Astrophysical Journal, July 2018. Yet to appear
Authenticating the presence of a relativistic massive Black Hole Binary in OJ 287 using it's general relativity flare: Improved orbital parameters. ApJ - not yet in print. Available from arXiv here
Host galaxy magnitude of OJ 287 from its colours at minimum light. MNRAS. Available from arXiv here
A rare outburst of the WZ Sge-type dwarf nova PQ Andromedae. JBAA Vol 134, No. 2 2024.
GOTO065054+593624: a peculiar dwarf nova identified in real time via Kilonova Seekers. A&A (submitted 2025) and arXiv here